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Own a Part of the Wellness Game Changer!

Dynamic Solutions Industries' start-up status pretty well tells the story of where our small, woman-owned, privately held company is in our development and what our needs are. What that status does not tell you, though, is that we are on the brink of busting the personal and clinical wellness industries wide open with our industry-changing product line for treatment of chronic pain and our social impact system for ridding enclosed spaces of airborne pathogens. 

To make this happen seamlessly and expediently, we need a few quality investors who want to take this journey with us and share in our venture's profits.  

If you are intrigued by the revolutionary and have a desire to secure equity in this venture, we invite you to explore our company via this site, answer the preliminary discussion questions below, and assess your own comfort level for investing in a new product line that, like all startups, carries some inherent risks. 


We are a bit different from many of our peers in the startup arena, in that we already have four successful companies in our business portfolio: Clean Planet Mfg. & Labs, Inc., Shenandoah Valley Diesel, and Code Red Repairs.  These businesses range in age from 9-15 years and have become a mainstay in our local community.  Clean Planet, our flagship company, sells both domestically and internationally.  These companies have brought years of growth, leadership, and operational experiences to our owner and staffs.


To assess your investment comfort zone, please ask yourself these questions, and if you're satisfied with your answers, let's explore further:  

  1. Have you, or others in your circle of influence that you might want to share this information with – those close friends, colleagues, and other associates who trust and respect your judgement – had any successful investment dealings with private, startup companies taking new products to market?

  2. Do you qualify as an accredited investor?

  3. Do you believe you have the confidence and respect of at least three in your circle who would be open to learning about and possibly funding a project that will be life changing for people suffering with chronic pain?  This product offering will be the first of our products  to roll out.

We vet serious funding candidates and require membership in the Council on Environmental Standards Association (www.councilonES,org) as an added layer of protection for our intellectual property.  The Council holds its members to a high level of integrity and exposes to the court of public opinion companies and individuals that engage in IP piracy.  At DSI, we are profoundly serious about protecting our intellectual property, and we believe our prospective investment candidates will be just as serious as we are. 

We welcome your inquiry. 

DSI's Equity Model

An Overview of Funders’ Return on Investment:

Dynamic Solutions Industries is seeking founding funders who share our desire for upfront funding leading to long-term relationships and mutual, perpetual benefits for the life of the company.  That is why we use the Wildcatters approach to funding.  This unique funding process stems from the oil boom days in Texas and Oklahoma when oil prospectors would ask people in their circles of contact to put up the money on a site that the wildcatter viewed as ripe for striking oil and bringing in an oil well.

While we don’t deal in bringing in oil wells, we have successfully used the Wildcatters funding and perpetual ROI process for our funders in another of our companies, Clean Planet Mfg. & Labs, Inc. ( Through this process, we seek funders who are deemed financially sophisticated enough to bear the financial risks that underlie new endeavors.  We have funding references available for validation of this process and how well it is working for Clean Planet and its funders. 

This funding model positions our funders to receive a percentage of all product sales until they have regained their initial funding amount.  From that point forward, they continue to receive perpetual product sales income at a reduced percentage rate.  

For this founding fundraiser to launch Dynamic Solutions Industries, each funding level has been assigned the following percentages on return.  The first percentage figure represents the percentage that is paid out to funder on each product sold until the initial funding amount is recovered.  The second figure represents the after-initial-funds recovery percentage amount that is paid to funder on each product sold going forward for the life of the company under current ownership.  This second percentage amount also represents the percentage paid the funder when DSI ownership transfers either through outright sale of the company, or acquisition of the company, or merger and acquisition of the company:

Investing Returns
DSI Funding Levels

The Waymakers - 3.5%/2%

A $500K+ Seed Level Infusion will provide the way forward for mass-scale production and delivery of pathogen-free public spaces products and personal comfort products for society at-large.

The Visionaries – 1.5%/ .75%

A $50K-$99K Seed Level Infusion will provide for research and early-stage development of human wellness and environmental protection products.

The Humanitarians - 3.5%/2%

A $100K - $499K  Seed Level Infusion will provide for product testing, prototyping, and early-stage roll out and marketing of DSI products.

The Beacons - .5% / .2%

A $50K and Below Seed Level Infusion will light the way and help DSI meet its day-to-day operational expenses.

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